This document describes how to install all the required components required to use the services of the underwater camera:
The following actions install and configure the operating system of the Raspberry Pi.
with the content tux:$6$z0X5rMJqkjI1rfzN$Atw1Yz7tK2IThlV7bcrZypekdRM.fUH3I5aDvawax40ydzFhQnOm.q8Az3Q0WH0THnjlqLQAWXZGAwymm5dZF1
in the root folder of the SD-card (“bootfs” partition). This creates a user “tux” with password “xut” (openssl passwd -6
can be used on Linux to create your own password).config.txt
to enable console access via the serial interface (GPIO14 & GPIO15).dtparam=i2c_arm=on
to activate the I²C interface for the temperature and humidity sensor (DHT20).camera_auto_detect=1
to camera_auto_detect=0
to manually configure the used camera.dtoverlay=imx462
to load the camera overlay.ssh
without content in the root folder of the SD-card./etc/modules
to load the I²C kernel module at boot time.sudo nmcli --ask dev wifi connect <ssid>
. For getting a list of all access points us iwlist wlan0 scan
.sudo apt-get update
.sudo apt install i2c-tools
to install tools required for I²C communication.sudo apt install nodejs npm
to install the JavaScript runtime environment.sudo bash -c 'echo "net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf'
.Configure the eth0 interface by creating /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0 with the following content:
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet static
sudo reboot now
to apply all changes.sudo nmcli con down id <ssid>
to disconnect.The underwater camera consists of four services. Follow the links to their repositories. There you’ll find instructions on how to install them.
To start a service automatically at boot time, the following steps are required:
Create a file with the extension “.service“ in /usr/lib/systemd/system
with the following content and adapt “Description” and “ExecStart”:
Description=OctoWatch video service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
to reload the configuration.sudo systemctl enable <service-name>
to start the new service at boot (replace sudo reboot now
to apply all changes.Raspberry Pi Configuration
I2C on Pi
Raspberry Pi Documentation: About the Camera Modules